Up Close & Personal

October 27, 2016

Apples to Apples

While everyone is visiting the pumpkin patch, we felt it was time to embrace the other activities our beautiful state has to offer during this Fall season, so we packed our bags (OK we actually loaded up our cardboard boxes, let’s get real here) and set off for a day in the orchards!

Upon arrival at Douglas Farm, we were greeted by bus, taking us out to the orchards and allowing us to explore all of the different apples this season on our own time. The bus would make it’s way to and from the entrance to pick up new guests and we could decide when to hop back on, so it allowed us plenty of time to explore (snap candids!) and pick. There were couples loading boxes preparing for home baked apple pies. Unfortunately, 27 years later and boiling water is still a daunting task for me, so I was on the prowl for the perfect golden delicious apples to slice up with my morning yogurt (fancy, I know).  

Colleen and I bundled up and were able to enjoy a two hour window where the rain held off. It was perfect. We picked apples, laughed about where life has taken us this last year and even revisited our New Year’s conversations we had of growth, change and how we look back at 2016 thus far and can only smile at how we’ve navigated through some of our highest highs and our lowest lows personally. 

Grab your friend, your loved one, your kids, your pet and get out there. The most simple, yet enjoyable experiences are in our own backyards, and so often it is easy to forget that. The fresh air and misty rain had never felt so good that Sunday. 

With love,



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